South-West-Broadcasting Studio, Mannheim
Broadcasting building for SWR (public radio in southwest Germany) Mannheim-Ludwigshafen
Firestation 1 South Stuttgart
New building of the city centre firestation 1 south, Stuttgart
beginning 2023
Bank office Mannheim
The new building of the Sparkasse Rhein-Neckar Nord in the city centre of Mannheim
beginning 2021

Office building for the municipal utility in Tübingen
Administrative building for the municipal utility in Tübingen
State office in Gunzenhausen
A new state office building in Gunzenhausen
beginning 2020
Half-Long Charles Ludwigsburg
Residential and commercial buildings in Ludwigsburg

Townhall Remchingen
New town hall with a council room, offices and a restaurant
2015 - 2019

District office Bad Kissingen
New administrative building for the district office in Bad Kissingen
2016 - 2019

Residential and commercial building in Berlin
Residential and commercial building in central Berlin
beginning 2018

District administration office of the future
The Würzburg authorities are getting a new building. The district administration office of the future will combine innovative work with a modern authority and fit in as a forward-looking sibling next to its older brother. In this way, the area around the existing district administration office will be completed by a dynamic building block to form a quarter with open-space qualities.

KWZ Karlsruhe
Office building for small businesses in the creative industry in Karlsruhe
beginning 2018