
start of phase 5 for the HTWG Constance

Our institute building for the HTWG Konstanz is entering phase 5. We are planning the laboratory building in the second row on the Rhine with a new look, densely populated with photovoltaics in light green tone. Its neighbors already form the prelude to the university campus on the waterfront. With campus utilities in the pants - aka in the basement - and technology on the main floor, the construction site will start in October this year. However, it will still be a few years before the laboratory in wood and green is complete. Until then we are already enjoying the view of Lake Constance and the Alps.


lecture: Who builds Nuernberg? -how urban form is created

The "Neues Museum" and the "Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten (BDA)" invites to a lecture with the title" Who builds Nuernberg? - how urban form creates".
With the OHM Technical University of Nuremberg project, which will be completed in 2025, Steimle Architekten are helping to shape the AEG site and thus a large part of university life in the city of Nuremberg.

On Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 7 p.m., Thomas Steimle will share his thoughts on the university and the formative influence on the cityscape.
Admission is from 18:30, registration is not required, the lecture is free of charge.
You can find more informations on the BDA website.


Award ceremony for exemplary building in Constance

The award ceremony and opening of the Exemplary Building exhibition took place in Constance on 6 February. We are delighted that the Markolfhalle in Markelfingen was honoured!

Picture 1 © Brigida González
Picture 2 © Felix Kästle


3rd prize for our church administration building in Wernau

We are delighted to have won one of two 3rd prizes in the competition for the construction of a new church administration building in Wernau.

in co-operation with Koeber Landschaftsarchitekten, Engelsmann Peters, transsolar, VIZE and TSB Ingenieure


Construction site update: community centre Stammheim

A new district house is being built in Stammheim. The building adjoins the old barn and will later mediate between tradition and modernity with its gable and photovoltaic cladding. To ensure the connection to the historic gable roof of the barn, the semi-finished parts were delivered today, which are adapted to the roof shape of the barn. These can then be used to start the shell construction for the upper floor. The shell construction in the basement and the ground floor is already done.


BDA Prize Brandenburg 2024 for the Bernau Visitor Centre

The visitor centre of the Bundesschule in Bernau, completed in 2022, was awarded the BDA Prize Brandenburg 2024!

The project impressed the jury:
‘The simplicity of the form, the directness of the materiality and, last but not least, the discreet construction that allows the heavy to float above the light.’

We are delighted with the award and the beautiful publication!





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